Review and Progress

Application of Synthetic Biology in Directed Evolution to Enhance Enzyme Catalytic Efficiency  

Wenzhong Huang
Biomass Research Center, Hainan Institute of Tropical Agricultural Resouces, Sanya, 572025, Hainan, China
Author    Correspondence author
Biological Evidence, 2024, Vol. 14, No. 3   
Received: 03 May, 2024    Accepted: 06 Jun., 2024    Published: 21 Jun., 2024
© 2024 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Synthetic biology and directed evolution are at the forefront of modern biotechnology, offering unprecedented opportunities to enhance enzyme catalytic efficiency for industrial applications. This study provides a comprehensive overview of these fields, starting with an introduction to the principles of synthetic biology and the fundamentals of directed evolution, emphasizing their significance in improving enzyme performance. We explore various methods in directed evolution, including random and site-directed mutagenesis techniques and high-throughput screening methods, which are crucial for identifying variants with superior catalytic properties. The study also delves into the synthetic biology tools that have revolutionized directed evolution, such as CRISPR/Cas systems, recombinant DNA technology, and computational tools for enzyme design. Through detailed case studies, we highlight the successful application of these approaches in enhancing enzymes for biofuel production, pharmaceutical synthesis, food industry applications, and environmental bioremediation. The discussion extends to recent advances in enzyme engineering, showcasing significant achievements in catalytic efficiency improvements and the integration of synthetic biology with directed evolution. We also address the challenges and limitations in the field, including technical hurdles, scalability issues, and ethical considerations. Finally, we outline future perspectives, focusing on emerging technologies like genome editing and artificial intelligence, which hold the potential to further advance enzyme engineering. This study concludes with a reflection on the long-term goals and implications for the future of synthetic biology and directed evolution in industrial biotechnology.

Synthetic biology; Directed evolution; Enzyme catalytic efficiency; Protein engineering; Industrial biotechnology

1 Introduction

Synthetic biology is an interdisciplinary field that combines principles from biology, engineering, and computer science to design and construct new biological parts, devices, and systems, or to redesign existing biological systems for useful purposes. One of the most powerful tools in synthetic biology is directed evolution, a method that mimics the process of natural selection to evolve proteins or nucleic acids towards a user-defined goal. Directed evolution involves iterative cycles of mutagenesis and selection to generate and identify variants with enhanced or novel properties (Cobb et al., 2013; Zeymer and Hilvert, 2018). This approach has been instrumental in overcoming the limitations of rational design, which often requires detailed structural and mechanistic knowledge that may not be available (Markel et al., 2019).


Enzymes are nature's catalysts, facilitating biochemical reactions with remarkable specificity and efficiency. Their catalytic prowess has been harnessed in various industrial applications, including the production of pharmaceuticals, biofuels, food and beverages, and environmental protection (Chen and Arnold, 2020; Planas-Iglesia et al., 2021). However, natural enzymes are not always optimized for industrial conditions, which can differ significantly from their native environments. Enhancing enzyme catalytic efficiency through directed evolution can lead to significant improvements in process efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability (Otten et al., 2020). For instance, enzymes with improved stability and activity under harsh industrial conditions can reduce the need for extreme temperatures or pH levels, thereby saving energy and reducing environmental impact (Currin et al., 2021).


This study aims to explore the application of synthetic biology, particularly directed evolution, in enhancing enzyme catalytic efficiency. We will discuss the latest advances in directed evolution techniques, including high-throughput screening methods and computational design, which have significantly accelerated the development of improved biocatalysts. Additionally, we will highlight successful case studies where directed evolution has been used to enhance enzyme performance for industrial applications. By examining these advancements, we hope to provide a comprehensive understanding of how synthetic biology can be leveraged to meet the growing demand for efficient and sustainable biocatalysts in various industries.


2 Background and Theoretical Framework

2.1 Principles of synthetic biology

Synthetic biology is an interdisciplinary field that combines principles from biology, engineering, and computer science to design and construct new biological parts, devices, and systems. It aims to create organisms or biological systems with novel functions that do not exist in nature. This field leverages the modularity of biological systems, allowing for the assembly of standardized biological parts to create complex systems with predictable behaviors. Advances in synthetic biology have enabled the development of new enzymes with enhanced catalytic properties, which are crucial for various biotechnological applications (Prier and Arnold, 2015; Chen and Arnold, 2020).


2.2 Fundamentals of directed evolution

Directed evolution is a powerful technique used to mimic the process of natural selection in the laboratory to evolve proteins or nucleic acids toward a user-defined goal. This method involves iterative cycles of mutagenesis and selection to generate and identify variants with desired properties. Directed evolution has been particularly effective in enhancing enzyme catalytic efficiency and developing new catalytic activities. By creating genetic diversity through random mutagenesis and employing high-throughput screening or selection methods, researchers can identify enzyme variants with improved or novel functions (Porter et al., 2016; Zeymer and Hilvert, 2018; Otten et al., 2020). This approach has been instrumental in expanding the catalytic repertoire of enzymes, enabling them to perform reactions that are not naturally occurring (Turner, 2009; Leveson-Gower et al., 2019).


2.3 Key concepts in enzyme catalysis and efficiency

Enzyme catalysis involves the acceleration of chemical reactions by enzymes, which are biological catalysts. The efficiency of an enzyme is determined by its ability to lower the activation energy of a reaction, thereby increasing the reaction rate. Key factors influencing enzyme efficiency include substrate specificity, turnover number (k_cat), and the Michaelis constant (K_m). Advances in protein engineering, particularly through directed evolution, have allowed for the fine-tuning of these parameters to enhance enzyme performance (Savile et al., 2010; Markel et al., 2019; Planas-Iglesias et al., 2021). Catalytic promiscuity, the ability of an enzyme to catalyze multiple distinct reactions, is another important concept that has been exploited to design enzymes with new-to-nature activities (Leveson-Gower et al., 2019). By stabilizing reaction intermediates and optimizing active site configurations, researchers can create enzymes with enhanced catalytic properties and broaden their applicability in industrial and pharmaceutical processes (Otten et al., 2020).


3 Methods in Directed Evolution

3.1 Random mutagenesis techniques

Random mutagenesis is a cornerstone of directed evolution, allowing for the generation of genetic diversity without prior knowledge of the enzyme's structure. Techniques such as error-prone PCR and DNA shuffling are commonly used. Error-prone PCR reduces the fidelity of DNA polymerase to introduce random mutations throughout the gene of interest. This method is highly efficient for constructing diverse mutagenesis libraries, which can then be screened for desired traits (Labrou, 2009; Shao et al., 2017). For instance, in situ error-prone PCR (is-epPCR) has been developed to improve the efficiency of constructing mutation libraries, allowing for direct transformation into competent cells and accumulation of desired mutations through multiple rounds. DNA shuffling involves the random fragmentation and reassembly of a pool of related genes, facilitating homologous recombination and the creation of new gene variants. This method has been shown to significantly enhance enzyme properties, such as in the case of β-lactamase, where DNA shuffling led to a 32,000-fold increase in antibiotic resistance. DNA shuffling is particularly effective when combined with iterative cycles of selection and backcrossing to eliminate non-essential mutations.


3.2 Site-directed mutagenesis

Site-directed mutagenesis allows for the introduction of specific mutations at predetermined sites within a gene. This method is more targeted compared to random mutagenesis and can be used to explore the effects of individual amino acid changes on enzyme function. Site-saturation mutagenesis is a variant where all possible amino acid substitutions are introduced at specific positions. This approach has been shown to be more efficient than DNA shuffling for certain applications. For example, a single round of site-saturation mutagenesis and screening identified β-fucosidases with significantly higher activity and specificity compared to variants obtained through multiple rounds of DNA shuffling (Parikh and Matsumura, 2005; Jakočiūnas et al., 2018). This method is particularly useful for fine-tuning enzyme properties and exploring the functional landscape of specific residues.


3.3 High-throughput screening methods

High-throughput screening (HTS) is essential for identifying improved enzyme variants from large mutagenesis libraries. These methods enable the rapid and efficient evaluation of thousands to millions of variants. Fluorescence-based assays are commonly used in HTS due to their sensitivity and ease of automation. These assays can detect changes in enzyme activity by measuring the fluorescence intensity of substrates or products. For example, fluorescence-based screening was used to identify mCherry fluorescent protein mutants with altered colors and intensities, demonstrating the utility of this approach in directed evolution (Kim et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2017). Microfluidic devices offer another powerful HTS platform, allowing for the miniaturization and parallelization of screening assays. These devices can handle small volumes and enable the rapid processing of large libraries. Microfluidic HTS has been successfully applied to evolve enzymes with enhanced catalytic properties, providing a scalable and efficient method for directed evolution (Figure 1) (Zeymer and Hilvert, 2018). By combining these methods, researchers can effectively explore the vast sequence space of enzymes, leading to the discovery of variants with improved catalytic efficiency and novel functionalities.


Figure 1 General strategy for directed evolution and selected experimental methods (Adopted from Zeymer and Hilvert, 2018)

Image caption: Protein catalysts are optimized using iterative cycles of gene diversification by mutagenesis (1), gene expression (2), screening or selection for improved variants (3), and subsequent gene amplification (4). Abbreviations: FACS, fluorescence-activated cell sorting; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; IVC, in vitro compartmentalization; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; μSCALE, microcapillary single-cell analysis and laser extraction; PACE, phage-assisted continuous evolution; PCR, polymerase chain reaction (Adopted from Zeymer and Hilvert, 2018)


4 Synthetic Biology Tools for Directed Evolution

4.1 CRISPR/Cas systems

CRISPR/Cas systems have revolutionized genome engineering by providing a highly precise and programmable method for gene editing. These systems utilize RNA-guided nucleases, such as Cas9, to introduce double-strand breaks at specific genomic locations, which can then be repaired to create mutations or insertions. This technology has been widely adopted in various fields, including plant biology, where it has been used to incorporate desirable traits into crops (Kumlehn et al., 2018). Additionally, CRISPR/Cas systems have been employed to enhance the catalytic efficiency of enzymes through directed evolution, as demonstrated by the development of catalytically enhanced Cas9 variants (Hand et al., 2020). The versatility of CRISPR/Cas systems extends to multiplexed applications, allowing simultaneous editing of multiple genomic sites, which is particularly useful for complex metabolic engineering tasks (Figure 2) (McCarty et al., 2020).


Figure 2 Applications of multiplexed CRISPR–Cas technologies (Adopted from McCarty et al., 2020)

Image caption: a Multiple gRNAs can be expressed, together with dCas9, to build complex logic circuits, including wired NOR gates, in which upstream gRNAs regulate the expression of downstream sgRNAs. Logic circuits can be used to produce a simple output signal, like GFP, or can be interfaced into cellular pathways to control phenotypes or behaviors. b Cas13a orthologs can be used to detect multiple viral pathogens at once. The viruses are lysed, their genomes are amplified, and the amplified RNA is then used as the input for Cas13a-based biosensors. Upon recognition of an RNA target, Cas13a collaterally cleaves nearby transcripts, a characteristic that can be exploited to release orthogonal, fluorescent outputs from ssRNA reporters. c Multiplexed gRNAs enable combinatorial mapping of genotype to phenotype. Pairs of gRNAs, each with a unique barcode, are programmed to target different genes involved in a known pathway or cellular process. These gRNA:barcode pairs are transformed into Cas9- expressing cells, and the barcodes of each cell in a population are sequenced to determine which gRNA pair each cell received. By measuring the frequency of the barcodes over multiple conditions, combinations of genes that modulate a given phenotype can be inferred. d Multi-event recording enables multiple signals to be detected and recorded in the genome of living cells. One gRNA is used to “write” each detected signal. Event recorders commonly use base editors and gRNAs that target a pre-defined locus, and recordings can be read out by sequencing the targeted loci. e Multiplexed CRISPR–Cas enables specific genomic rearrangements or modifications, including indels (which are produced by error-prone, non-homologous end joining) and insertions (via homology-directed repair, where donor DNA contains homology arms to the double-strand break), for rapid strain engineering. f Multiplexed CRISPR–Cas technologies can be used to perturb numerous parts of a pathway simultaneously, thus redirecting flux and enhancing the production of a desired compound. CRISPRi, CRISPRa, and editing of DNA can be achieved simultaneously, simply by expressing orthogonal dCas:gRNA pairs (one for activation and another for repression), together with Cas12a or Cas9 for editing (Adopted from McCarty et al., 2020)


4.2 Recombinant DNA technology

Recombinant DNA technology forms the backbone of synthetic biology by enabling the manipulation and recombination of genetic material. This technology allows for the construction of mutant libraries and the expression of recombinant proteins, which are essential for directed evolution experiments. For instance, the integration of multigene biosynthetic pathways into the genome of Pichia pastoris has been achieved using recombinant DNA techniques combined with CRISPR/Cas9, facilitating the production of valuable compounds (Gao et al., 2022). The ability to create and screen large libraries of genetic variants accelerates the identification of enzyme variants with improved catalytic properties (Zeymer and Hilvert, 2018; Shanmugam et al., 2020).


4.3 Gene synthesis and assembly techniques

Advancements in gene synthesis and assembly techniques have significantly contributed to the field of directed evolution. These techniques enable the de novo synthesis of entire genes or genomes, allowing researchers to explore a vast sequence space. DNA synthesis and assembly methods, such as in vitro recombination and high-throughput screening, have matured and are widely adopted in synthetic biology (Kang et al., 2015). These methods facilitate the rapid generation of genetic diversity, which is crucial for the semi-rational engineering of enzymes and genomes. The ability to synthesize and assemble genes with high precision and efficiency is a key enabler of directed evolution experiments.


4.4 Computational tools for enzyme design

Computational tools, including in silico modeling and machine learning algorithms, play a pivotal role in the design and optimization of enzymes. These tools can predict the effects of mutations on enzyme structure and function, guiding the selection of beneficial variants. Machine learning-assisted approaches have been integrated into directed evolution workflows to enhance the efficiency of mutagenesis and screening processes (Iqbal and Sadaf, 2022). By leveraging computational models, researchers can better navigate the sequence diversity and identify promising candidates for further experimental validation. The integration of computational tools with experimental techniques accelerates the discovery and optimization of enzymes with enhanced catalytic efficiency.


In summary, the application of synthetic biology tools, such as CRISPR/Cas systems, recombinant DNA technology, gene synthesis and assembly techniques, and computational tools, has greatly advanced the field of directed evolution. These tools enable the rapid and efficient engineering of enzymes with improved catalytic properties, paving the way for novel biocatalytic applications.


5 Case Studies and Applications

5.1 Enhanced enzymes for biofuel production: lignocellulosic biomass breakdown

The application of synthetic biology in directed evolution has significantly advanced the efficiency of enzymes used in the breakdown of lignocellulosic biomass for biofuel production. For instance, genetically engineered proteins have been tailored to improve biomass conversion, enhancing the catalytic performance of enzymes involved in lignocellulosic polymer degradation (Ribeiro et al., 2019). Additionally, extremophilic bacteria have been utilized to provide robust enzymes capable of functioning under harsh industrial conditions, thereby improving the efficiency of biofuel production processes (Zhu et al., 2020). The use of nano-biocatalysts, such as xylanase immobilized on mesoporous silica nanoparticles, has also shown to enhance the stability and recyclability of enzymes, leading to improved degradation of lignocellulosic agro-waste (Ariaeenejad et al., 2020). Metagenomic techniques have further facilitated the discovery of novel enzymes from microbial communities, which are critical for the pretreatment and conversion of lignocellulosic materials (Xing et al., 2012). Fungi-derived lignocellulolytic enzymes have also been highlighted for their high catalytic activity and stability, making them suitable for industrial applications in biofuel production (Saldarriaga-Hernández et al., 2020).


5.2 Industrial biocatalysts

Directed evolution has been instrumental in developing biocatalysts for pharmaceutical synthesis. Enzymes tailored through directed evolution have been used to create novel enzyme functions and improve existing ones, thereby enhancing the efficiency of pharmaceutical production processes (Zhao et al., 2002). The combination of directed evolution and rational design has accelerated the development of biocatalysts, making them more effective for synthesizing pharmaceutical compounds. Advances in computational design have also contributed to the engineering of enzymes with improved reactivity and substrate specificity, further supporting their application in pharmaceutical synthesis (Planas-Iglesias et al., 2021).


In the food industry, directed evolution has been employed to enhance the properties of enzymes used in various processes. For example, enzymes have been engineered to improve their stability, activity, and efficiency, making them more suitable for food production applications. The use of biocatalysts in the food industry has been driven by the need for environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternatives to traditional chemical processes (Porter et al., 2016). Computational techniques have also played a role in optimizing enzyme properties for food industry applications, ensuring that they perform effectively in non-native environments (Planas-Iglesias et al., 2021).


5.3 Environmental bioremediation: degradation of pollutants

Directed evolution has also been applied to develop enzymes for environmental bioremediation, particularly in the degradation of pollutants. Enzymes engineered through directed evolution have been shown to catalyze a wide variety of chemical reactions, making them suitable for bioremediation applications (Porter et al., 2016). The development of new catalytic activities in enzymes has expanded their potential for degrading environmental pollutants, offering a sustainable and efficient solution for bioremediation (Chen and Arnold, 2020). Advances in protein engineering have further enhanced the catalytic properties of enzymes, enabling them to function effectively in diverse environmental conditions (Planas-Iglesias et al., 2021).


6 Advances in Enzyme Engineering

6.1 Protein engineering techniques

Protein engineering has evolved significantly, leveraging both rational design and directed evolution to enhance enzyme catalytic efficiency. Rational design requires detailed knowledge of enzyme structure and function relationships, allowing for targeted modifications to improve performance. On the other hand, directed evolution mimics natural selection through iterative cycles of mutagenesis and screening, enabling the discovery of enzyme variants with enhanced or novel activities without prior structural knowledge (Kaur and Sharma, 2006; Zeymer and Hilvert, 2018). Recent advancements in ultrahigh-throughput screening (uHTS) have further accelerated this process by allowing the rapid evaluation of vast libraries of enzyme variants, thus overcoming traditional bottlenecks in the screening process (Markel et al., 2019). Additionally, machine learning has been integrated into directed evolution workflows to predict beneficial mutations and navigate the sequence space more efficiently, reducing experimental efforts and enhancing the quality of evolved enzymes (Wu et al., 2019; Zhou, 2024).


6.2 Directed evolution success stories: examples of significantly improved catalytic efficiency

Directed evolution has yielded numerous success stories in enhancing enzyme catalytic efficiency. For instance, the evolution of the Kemp eliminase HG3 to HG4 demonstrated significant improvements in catalytic efficiency, with key mutations leading to a more pre-organized and rigidified active site (Broom et al., 2020). Another notable example is the engineering of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases for regio- and stereoselective steroid hydroxylation, where directed evolution combined with mutability landscaping and molecular dynamics simulations achieved high levels of selectivity and activity (Acevedo-Rocha et al., 2018). Furthermore, directed evolution has been instrumental in creating enzymes with new-to-nature activities, such as the stereodivergent synthesis of enantiomeric products in carbene Si–H insertion reactions, showcasing the potential of this approach to expand the catalytic repertoire of enzymes (Wu et al., 2019). These examples highlight the transformative impact of directed evolution in developing highly efficient and versatile biocatalysts for various applications (Denard et al., 2015; Zeymer and Hilvert, 2018; Chen and Arnold, 2020).


6.3 Integration of synthetic biology and directed evolution

The integration of synthetic biology with directed evolution has opened new avenues for enzyme engineering. Synthetic biology provides a toolkit for constructing and manipulating genetic circuits, enabling the precise control of gene expression and metabolic pathways (Zeymer and Hilvert, 2018). This integration allows for the systematic exploration of enzyme functions and the creation of novel biocatalytic systems. For example, the use of synthetic biology techniques to design and stabilize reaction intermediates has facilitated the development of catalytically promiscuous enzymes, which can perform multiple, mechanistically distinct transformations (Leveson-Gower et al., 2019). Additionally, computational methods, including machine learning and ensemble modeling, have been employed to predict and design enzyme variants with desired properties, further enhancing the efficiency of directed evolution (Wu et al., 2019; Broom et al., 2020; Planas-Iglesias et al., 2021). By combining the strengths of synthetic biology and directed evolution, researchers can achieve unprecedented levels of enzyme performance and create biocatalysts tailored for specific industrial and biomedical applications (Kaur and Sharma, 2006; Chen and Arnold, 2020).


7 Challenges and Limitations

7.1 Technical challenges in mutagenesis and screening

One of the primary technical challenges in directed evolution is the generation of genetic diversity through mutagenesis and the subsequent screening of enzyme variants. Traditional methods such as error-prone PCR and DNA shuffling can be labor-intensive and time-consuming, often requiring extensive screening to identify beneficial mutations (Hoebenreich et al., 2015; Zeymer and Hilvert, 2018). Although ultrahigh-throughput screening (uHTS) methods have been developed to address these issues, they still face limitations in terms of compartmentalization and maintaining the genotype-phenotype link (Agresti et al., 2010; Markel et al., 2019). Additionally, the quality of combinatorial libraries can vary significantly depending on the method used, with solid-phase gene synthesis often producing less biased libraries compared to PCR-based methods.


7.2 Limitations of current synthetic biology tools

Despite significant advancements, current synthetic biology tools still have limitations that hinder the efficiency of directed evolution. For instance, the choice of mutagenesis strategy can greatly impact the quality of the resulting enzyme libraries. Iterative saturation mutagenesis (ISM) has shown promise in improving enzyme properties, but it requires careful selection of mutagenesis sites and codon degeneracy to be effective (Reetz and Carballeira, 2007; Reetz et al., 2008; Reetz et al., 2010). Moreover, the integration of continuous hypermutation systems like OrthoRep with high-throughput screening is still in its early stages and may not be universally applicable to all enzymes or pathways (Figure 3) (Jensen et al., 2020).


Figure 3 Schematic illustration of the in vivo directed evolution workflow (Adopted from Jensen et al., 2020)

Image caption: A. Schematic illustration of the 3-step ciscis-muconic acid pathway, comprising heterologous expression of PaAroZ, KpAroY subunits (B, D, and Ciso), as well as CaCatA and overexpression of Tkl1. B. Schematic illustration of the parental strain (Sc-105, see Table S5) used for in vivo directed evolution of thecis,cis-muconic acid pathway enzymes KpAroY. B and KpAroY. Ciso in yeast cells. The strain replicates and expresses the biosensor, all ciscis-muconic acid pathway enzymes except KpAroY. B and KpAroY. Ciso, and the variant error-prone TP-DNAP (expressed from AR-Ec633, see Table S4) from the nucleus. All components required for OrthoRep replication and transcription are encoded on p2, whereas, genes encod-ing KpAroY. B and KpAroY. Ciso are expressed from p1.C. Schematic illustration of the in vivo directed evolution workflow showing the passag-ing regimes of the parental strain undergoing (i) the five consecutive rounds of OrthoRep coupled with biosensor-based selection or (ii) fifteenbulk passages to effect drift without biosensor-based selection (Adopted from Jensen et al., 2020)


7.3 Scalability and reproducibility issues

Scalability and reproducibility are significant concerns in directed evolution experiments. While uHTS platforms can screen millions of variants in a short time, the reproducibility of these results can be affected by factors such as the consistency of droplet formation in microfluidics and the stability of the screening environment (Agresti et al., 2010). Additionally, the scalability of directed evolution is often limited by the need for extensive manual intervention in mutagenesis and screening processes, which can introduce variability and reduce reproducibility (Kumar and Singh, 2013).


7.4 Ethical and regulatory considerations

The application of synthetic biology and directed evolution in enzyme engineering raises several ethical and regulatory issues. The potential for creating novel enzymes with unknown properties necessitates stringent regulatory oversight to ensure safety and environmental protection (Kumar and Singh, 2013). Moreover, the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in industrial applications is subject to regulatory frameworks that vary by region, potentially complicating the commercialization of evolved enzymes. Ethical considerations also include the potential misuse of synthetic biology tools for harmful purposes, highlighting the need for responsible research practices and robust regulatory mechanisms (Li et al., 2017).


8 Future Perspectives

8.1 Emerging technologies in synthetic biology

The rapid advancements in genome editing technologies, such as CRISPR-Cas9, have significantly enhanced the ability to modify and optimize enzyme functions. These tools allow for precise alterations in the genetic code, facilitating the creation of enzymes with improved catalytic properties. The integration of genome editing with directed evolution has shown promising results in developing artificial enzymes with novel functions and enhanced efficiency (Turner, 2009; Cao et al., 2021; Mariz et al., 2021). This synergy between genome editing and directed evolution is expected to continue driving innovations in enzyme engineering, enabling the production of biocatalysts tailored for specific industrial applications.


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are revolutionizing the field of enzyme design by providing powerful tools for predicting enzyme-substrate interactions and identifying beneficial mutations. AI algorithms can analyze vast datasets to uncover patterns and relationships that are not immediately apparent through traditional methods. This computational approach complements experimental techniques, reducing the time and cost associated with enzyme optimization. Recent studies have demonstrated the successful application of AI in designing enzymes with enhanced catalytic activities and specificities, paving the way for more efficient and targeted biocatalysts (Markel et al., 2019; Planas-Iglesias et al., 2021; Boukid et al., 2023).


8.2 Potential for new applications and industries

The advancements in synthetic biology and enzyme engineering are opening new avenues for the application of biocatalysts across various industries. In the pharmaceutical industry, engineered enzymes are being used to synthesize complex drug molecules with high precision and efficiency, reducing the reliance on traditional chemical synthesis methods (Chen and Arnold, 2020; Mariz et al., 2021). The food industry is also benefiting from these innovations, with precision fermentation techniques enabling the production of high-value food ingredients and additives (Boukid et al., 2023). Additionally, the development of enzymes capable of converting greenhouse gases into valuable products holds promise for environmental sustainability and the creation of a circular economy (Wiltschi et al., 2020).


8.3 Long-term goals for enzyme catalytic efficiency improvement

The long-term goals for improving enzyme catalytic efficiency focus on achieving a deeper understanding of the sequence-function relationship and the underlying mechanisms of enzyme catalysis. This includes exploring the role of protein dynamics in catalysis and identifying key residues that contribute to catalytic efficiency (Schafer et al., 2019). By integrating computational and experimental approaches, researchers aim to design enzymes that not only mimic but surpass the catalytic capabilities of natural enzymes. The ultimate objective is to create robust, versatile, and highly efficient biocatalysts that can be deployed in a wide range of industrial processes, contributing to more sustainable and cost-effective production methods (Turner, 2009; Zeymer and Hilvert, 2018; Mariz et al., 2021).


9 Concluding Remarks

The application of synthetic biology in directed evolution has significantly advanced the field of enzyme catalysis. Directed evolution, which mimics natural selection, has been instrumental in generating enzymes with enhanced catalytic activities and novel functionalities. Key strategies include exploiting catalytic promiscuity and rational design to create enzymes capable of performing new-to-nature reactions. Advances in ultrahigh-throughput screening (uHTS) have accelerated the identification of improved enzyme variants, overcoming traditional bottlenecks in the screening process. Computational methods have also played a crucial role, enabling the design of enzymes with pre-organized and rigidified active sites, which are essential for efficient catalysis. These combined approaches have led to the development of biocatalysts with significantly enhanced performance, as demonstrated by the evolution of enzymes for specific reactions such as the Knoevenagel condensation.


The advancements in directed evolution and synthetic biology hold promising implications for the future. The ability to engineer enzymes with tailored catalytic properties opens up new possibilities for industrial applications, including the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, biofuels, and other valuable chemicals. The integration of computational design with directed evolution is expected to further streamline the development of highly efficient biocatalysts, reducing the time and cost associated with enzyme optimization. Additionally, the exploration of catalytic promiscuity and the creation of artificial enzymes with novel activities will expand the repertoire of biocatalytic transformations, bridging the gap between natural and synthetic chemistry. These advancements will not only enhance the efficiency and sustainability of chemical processes but also contribute to the development of innovative solutions for environmental and biomedical challenges.


The impact of enhanced enzyme catalysis through directed evolution and synthetic biology is profound. By harnessing the principles of natural evolution and combining them with modern engineering techniques, researchers have been able to create enzymes with unprecedented catalytic efficiencies and specificities. These advancements have the potential to revolutionize various industries by providing more sustainable and cost-effective alternatives to traditional chemical processes. The continued development and application of these technologies will likely lead to further breakthroughs in biocatalysis, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and innovative future.



The author sincerely thank the two anonymous peer reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions on the manuscript.


Conflict of Interest Disclosure

The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.



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. Wenzhong Huang
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. Synthetic biology
. Directed evolution
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